Dear friend, excellence is a fundamental principle of great and exceptional people. No mediocre rises to the top in anything, and even if they carelessly and accidentally rise to the top, it cannot be sustained without a habit of excellence.

Have you observed that cheap products attract ‘cheap people’? Classless products attract ‘classless people’? Have you also noticed that anytime you enter a place of excellence, you behave excellently well? Therefore, there is something amazing that a habit of excellence does to and for you; it makes people treat you in a dignified and honorable way.

Dear friend, people will treat you with respect and dignity when they discover you are a person of excellence.

There is something interesting I have observed; road-side retailers/road-side food vendors are not always treated in the most dignifying ways. In fact, there are lots of people who patronize them and refuse to pay them without stressing them. But have you noticed that nobody goes into a quality restaurant like McDonalds or KFC and buys food or drinks without paying or behaving nicely? This is the principle: People/places of excellence are treated with honor and respect.

If you want to keep attracting quality people, become a person of excellence. The bible says: “Deep calls unto deep.” Excellent products attract excellent (and well-behaved) people. Quality products attract quality people.

Dear friend, our God is always excited about promoting people of excellence. You can’t keep doing things in a tacky way and expect God to promote you. You can’t keep bringing out sub-standard products and sub-standard services and expect an excellent God to promote you.

If you won’t be excellent at something, don’t do it at all. If excellence is not your goal, stop the project/assignment. The Bible rightly puts it this way: “To him that knows to do good (excellence) and doeth it not, it is a sin.”

Many times, your desire for excellence will cost you more or demand more from you that following the conventional and easy path, but in the long long, it is going to be worth it.

So, if you are outsourcing anything, make it habit to contract quality people. Never be intimidated by quality people and quality products, neither must you avoid them because of cost, there must be a good reason why their products and services are expensive.

Remember, cheap people go for cheap things.

Dear friend, a quick look at the story of David reveals to us that on the backbone of excellence, God relocated him from the wilderness to the palace. God has no problem shinning His light on you and on the works of your hands, but you must give yourself to excellence.

The bible refers to David as a man that was excellent at what he did. As a matter of fact, in the palace of Saul, excellence also spoke for him; as soon as he came into the house of Saul, he became the focus. Excellence makes you a focus anywhere.

Dear friend, we serve an EXCELLENT God, and if indeed you are a child of this Excellent God, you must represent Him in ALL you engage in; in the way you do business, in the kind of products you release and even in the way you dress.

Stop making people mock and insult our Excellent God because of how you do things. Stop bringing dishonour to your church and your Pastor because of how shabbily you offer your services and products. Let your culture of excellence attract people to your Excellent God.

I love how the Holy Scripture puts it in Matthew 5:16 — “Let your light so shine that men will see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.” This bible passage simply says: Let everyone experience excellence in all things and praise the Living God you serve because of what they see you deliver.

Dear friend, as i conclude this piece, let me remind you again that excellence brings prominence. Excellence brings attraction. Excellence guarantees promotion. You can’t pursue excellence and still beg for attention and recognition.

There are folks who may not like you, but if you offer excellent services and products, they will gladly pay for it.

I pray for you today in the name of Jesus, may an unusual grace for excellence rest on you today, in the name of Jesus.

Have a most productive day further!



PS: Kindly read other parts of this article: ADDICTION TO EXCELLENCE – PART 2, and ADDICTION TO EXCELLENCE – Part 1